Fat Burning Body Weight Workout – No Gym Required
Get a great workout in the comfort of your own home with this fat burning body weight workout. Using just your own bodyweight and items you can find phone burn fat, get toned and trim without the hassle of a cost of the gym.
To do this the fat burning body weight workout performs 15 reps for each exercise in a circuit, resting in 60 seconds between circuits.
If you have the time perform 3 full circuits
1.Stand upright with your arms by your sides
2. Take a step to one side lowering your body down and leaning your torso slightly forward with your weight on the outside leg (Keep you’re trailing leg straight)
3. Push off your outside foot to return to the start position
Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other
1. Place your palms on a chair or bench behind you and your heels on the floor with your legs and arms straight
2. Bending at the elbows, lower your body toward the floor
3. Push up through your palms to return to the start position
1. Sit holding weights in both hands overhead with your arms straight
2. Lower the weights down behind your head, bending the elbows
3. Raise the weights up Overhead, extending your arms
If you do not’s have weights you can use heavy books
1. Support your body on your toes and hands with your elbows and your hands up on a chair
2. Rapidly push up off the chair with your hands
3. Land with your hands back on the chair, lowering your chest back down and immediately pushed again
1. Stand upright with one foot on a chair or bench and your arms at your sides
2. Step up onto the chair or bench by pushing down on your front foot
3. Step down onto the bench and then repeat
Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side
1. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your hands to the sides of your head
2. Raise your head and shoulders, Bring one me towards your chest in the office it elbow to this knee, twisting your torso
3. Lower your upper body and leg to the floor and repeat to do the opposite side using your other leg
1. Lie face down on the floor with your legs straight and your arms outstretched overhead
2. Raise one arm and the opposite leg straight up about 18 inches off the floor
3. Slowly lower both and repeat with the other arm and leg
Be sure to keep your arms and legs straight throughout and your head steady
1. Stand upright holding the weight by your side with your arms straight and your palms facing inward
2. Raise the weight up to your shoulders, turning at the wrists, finishing with your palms facing back
3. Keep your elbows close to your sides throughout and do not swing your arms or upper body
If you do not have weights you can use books or luggage
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