What are Detox Diets And How Can They Help You?
While there are many different types of diets in existence today, detoxification diets (detox diets) are becoming quite popular. Herbal detox diets have become particularly popular among individuals who are looking for a way of cleansing their body as well as losing weight.
If you are not familiar with a detox diet, it is important to first understand what is involved in this type of diet. While there are many different types of detox diets, the primary goal behind any type of detoxification is to remove substances from the body that might be toxic or harmful.
The term detox was previously associated with treatments for dependence upon drug and alcohol use, but today the term detox has also now become associated with herbs and particular forms of diets that can be used to clean harmful substances from the body for overall general health.
The process of detoxification itself is actually a natural biological process that removes toxins from the body. Toxins are considered to be anything that could possibly hurt the body. During the process, toxins are transformed into compounds that are not as harmful to the body, such as urine or stools, and then excreted from the body.
There can be many different sources of toxins which might hurt the body. In some cases, toxins can even be produced by the body itself through perfectly normal bodily functions. A good example of this would be the ammonia that is produced when protein is broken down by the body. Other possible toxins include:
• Drugs
• Pollution
• Food additives
• Household cleaners
• Pesticides
• Cigarette smoke
• Heavy metals
There are many different advantages to detoxification diets.
Benefits of Detox Diets
Individuals use detox diets for many different reasons due to the broad range of benefits that these types of diets provide. One of the primary reasons that many people decide to undertake a detox diet is to cleanse their bodies of the chemicals that researchers believe we may ingest on a daily basis through air, water and food. It is believed that these chemicals may become deposited within our fat cells. While it would be hoped that the body would be able to cleanse itself of these toxins on its own, if one’s regular diet is lacking in nutrients then it may impair the natural ability of the body to detoxify itself of harmful chemicals. When the chemicals are not removed, they continue to build-up inside the body and may amount to dangerous levels.
This comprehensive load is known as a body burden and researchers now think that it could result in illness and other health problems such as impaired immune function, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies and an impaired metabolism. Possible symptoms of these health problems include:
• Muscle pain
• Poor skin
• Fatigue
• Bad breath
• Indigestion
There are certainly many benefits that can be brought about by a detoxification diet. These benefits include:
• Improved concentration
• Increased clarity
• Improved digestion
• Clearer skin
• Regular bowel movements
• Increased energy
Increased energy is one of the primary benefits that many people will notice from a detox diet. Even an individual who exercises on a regular basis simply may not feel as though they have enough energy. They may feel drained and tired and yet not understand why they feel that way. A build-up of toxins inside the body very well could be the reason. A detoxifying body cleanse can help to relieve these symptoms as well as many others.
In addition, a detox diet provides other benefits as well. An individual who is prone to coming down with frequent illnesses may find that a detox diet helps them to feel healthier throughout the year. This is particularly important during cold and flu season when the body needs to be able to repel bacteria and germs. When there are too many toxins within the body, they can slow down the body‘s natural processes. This may make it difficult for the body to fight off germs and can slow down the immune system, making it easier to become ill.
Additionally, a detox diet can make it easier for the body to digest food as well. This can help to relieve symptoms such as indigestion. In addition, symptoms such as stomach pain and headaches may be relieved as well.
Another benefit of a detox diet may be improved clarity. Toxins within the body can work to slow down mental clarity as well. When your body is cleansed of such harmful toxins, it can make it easier to think more clearly and help you to deal with day to day challenges as well.
Specifically, a detox diet does the following:
• Includes foods that provide the vital nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that the body requires for detoxification
• Provides water and high fiber foods that work to draw out and then eliminate toxins from the body
• Decreases the amount of chemicals that are ingested by the body, such as through organic foods
Have you ever tried a detox diet? Please tell us about it in the comment section below.
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