Fruits And Vegetables – Coloring Yourself To A Healthy Body
According to the USDA, it’s important for us to take in plenty of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. I think most would agree that a diet filled with fruits and vegetables aid in reducing the risk of cancer, diabetes and other diseases. Fruits and vegetables are full of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, amongst other things good for an individuals health. Today it’s even easier to buy local and many farmers now grow Organic.
You are probably familiar, especially if you have kids, with the USDA 5 A Day Program. It’s a nationwide nutrition campaign to increase awareness of consumption of fruits and vegetables to at least 5 times a day. You “color” your way to a healthier you by eating fruits and vegetables from each color group on a daily basis. Red, green, yellow, orange, blue and white, mix them all together for one fun, healthy “book”.
It’s time to start incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet. The best time to start is with breakfast because of the many ways too incorporate fruit in your diet plus you are just starting your day so burning off the calories from the sugar in fruit won’t be an issue. Everyone knows breakfast is the most important, I know this is true because my mom reminded every morning before school so all the medical reports that agree don’t matter. But seriously, too many people say they don’t have time in the morning. Here is a great link to find fast, healthy smoothies that can be thrown together in minutes. You can even throw it in a cup and drink on your way to work! Don’t have 3 minutes to throw together a smoothie? At least have a glass of 100% vegetable or fruit juice!
For lunch, have an apple or banana as a side. Incorporate some vegetables into your meal. Have a chicken Caesar salad, thai chicken salad or? Salad choices are endless and a great way to load up on veggies. If you want a burger, just about every restaurant, including fast food, have a low carb/protein style burger meaning it comes wrapped in lettuce instead of high carb, nothing good for you buns. Don’t forget to get the onion and tomato, consider skipping whatever “special sauce they are offering.
With dinner, make a side salad that includes tomato, cucumber, red, green or yellow peppers. Or you can make a salad for dinner! As you can see, with a little effort, you can easily get in plenty of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis and reap the healthy benefits they provide.
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