Having A Weekly Cheat Day Will Not Only Keep You On Track But Are Fun Too
You’ve been working hard on changing your eating habits, cutting out processed foods and sugars, eating more protein. Depending on where you are in the weight loss process, you should be seeing some results. You may also be having extremely tempting thoughts to go back to eating whatever you want. This is part of the natural process one of the reasons it is important to let yourself have a weekly cheat day to assist in your fitness process. However, It’s not the most important reason.
Why A Weekly Cheat Day Is Important
Any diet plan you are on is more than likely calling for less calories and carbohydrates. This will get great results in the short term but after a while, your body will adjust to the fewer calories and your metabolism will drop which is never a good thing when you are trying to burn fat. By having a weekly cheat day, you will be tricking your body into keeping your metabolism burning because of all the extra calories you are taking in. Many times on my weekly cheat day, I will usually take in 2-4 times the calories I normally take in the other six days of the week. A weekly cheat day is also helpful mentally as it’s a great way for you to splurge on that special treat you love but have to fight off the other six days a week. You are rewarding yourself for a job well done which will help you stick to your weight loss plan.
Cheat Day Success
This is to be a guilt free day but you should still do some planning. Make a list of things you are going to eat in advance, even if you are going to a restaurant. During your normal day, if you find yourself craving something that is not part of your diet, write it down so you can count down to cheat day which will make it easier to not binge on normal days. Try to avoid processed foods. If you don’t feel like cooking that’s, restaurants cook fresh, or bakeries for that matter. Want a doughnut or slice of cake, buy it at a bakery. Pizza? Don’t grab a frozen one at the store, call Dominos to even better, go to a local restaurant that probably uses better ingredients. Get your pizza with lots of meats and vegetables for the protein. Drink a gallon of water (which you should be doing everyday). Avoid fast food burgers and milk shakes, instead go to a restaurant if these are things you want to enjoy.
Enjoy a weekly cheat day and watch the weight come off. See, nothing to this getting fit thing.
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