Brain Motivation Can Get You More Than A Great Workout
Does anyone really understand the brain? There are so many studies done and being done trying to figure out what makes us tick, how brain motivation can effect several different things in our life. I subscribe to many health newsletters, not just to stay informed but it also gives me blog ideas when I read something I think is of value. One of the articles I read on this topic discussed soldiers and how well they handle stress. I don’t think they have much choice. But what about the everyday guy or gal trying to stay fit while still enjoying their life?
You don’t have to be in the military to be stressed. When you are performing strength or HITT exercises, your body is under stress. How it reacts to this stress will determine if you reach your fitness goals.
Use Brain Motivation To Access Stress For Maximum Effort
Do strength exercises for a minimum of 30 minutes on lift days. 45 is better, don’t lift for over an hour. Make sure you are working during this period not standing around talking or walking to the water fountain after each set. It is important for your muscles to be under tension to trigger stress in the brain.
Change your routines every 3-4 weeks. We become complacent in many things we do in life but your workout does not need to be one. It’s easy to activate brain motivation by changing up routines. Be sure to not only change your exercises but mix up tempo, reps and sets. Have defined goals – complete this workout in 45 minutes, keep my muscles under stress for 50 seconds this exercise, 40 the next etc… – and work towards them.
If you want to look like a bodybuilder don’t perform long periods of cardio like you are going to run a marathon. You should be doing some form of HIIT training in my opinion. Short, high intensity cardio will boost your muscle stress strength and require brain motivation to finish.
Be sure to unwind
Activating muscle strength is great but you also want to be sure to release the stress post workout. Have a good post workout meal with at least 40 grams of protein. Make sure you are getting enough sleep – eight hours a night or as close to it as possible.
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