Swiss Ball Abdominals Workout
Most people do their abdominals workout at the end of their workouts. I prefer to do my abs on non-weight lifting days, which in my case is Tuesday and Thursday. If you go that route and you prefer to do your workouts at home, I would suggest getting yourself a Swiss ball. These are easy to store at home, reasonably cheap, and have plenty of different uses, not just for an abdominals workout. I am going to assume you have one and list different exercises. If you are out of shape, I’d suggest getting a set of light dumbbells with your Swiss ball and spend a couple of weeks waking up those sleeping muscles. Your ball will probably come with exercises; feel free to pick and choose as you please. Start off slow and don’t worry about feeling clumsy at first. You’ll have good balance after a couple of weeks. Sitting on the ball will feel completely natural after a month. Got2ManUP! Here are some good exercises:
Start off using these warm-up drills: (you need to wear tennis shoes for stabilization)
- Sit on middle of ball, feet wider than shoulder width. Bounce up and down for one minute.
- Bring right arm across your upper body, just under your chin. Bring your left hand up to your right elbow and push lightly. Hold 30 seconds, switch arms.
- Hold right arm straight up. Bend upper arm at elbow until hand is behind neck. Place left hand on right elbow and push lightly. Hold 30 seconds, switch arms.
- Kneel in front of your ball. Place both hands in the middle of your ball. Now lean forward, placing your head even with your arms. Hold 20 seconds.
- Lay with your stomach abdominals in the middle of you’re ball. Keep your feet on the ground; place your hands flat on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds.
- Sit on the middle of your ball. Walk forward a couple steps and lean back. The middle of your back should now be in the middle of your ball. Make an X across your chest; this is your start position. Curl your upper body up so your shoulders are off the ball. Hold for 2 seconds, then back to start. That’s one rep; do 20 if possible or work up to it.
- Lay face down on your ball with your toes digging into the carpet and your stomach in the middle of the top of your ball. Place your hands at the back of your lower back, just above your butt cheeks. Lift up off your ball, extending your spine. Hold for a 2-second count; return slowly to your starting position. This is one rep; do or work up to 20 reps.
- Sit on the ground with your feet spread wide and knee bent. Hold your ball directly in front of you, back straight, shoulders slightly turned in. Rotate the ball to the right and turn as far as you can, touching the ball to the ground on your right. Now swing the ball back in front and continue to rotate as far to the left as you can, touching the ball on the ground. Back to the right side, etc… back and forth for 20 reps.
- Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Hold your ball directly above your chest. Curl your shoulders up, until they are off the floor. Hold 2 seconds; slowly return to start. This is one rep; do or work up to 20.
- Lay with your ball under one side and your feet pressed up against a wall for support (when you have the balance, do not use the wall). Cross your arms over your chest and squeeze your shoulders together. Slowly raise your upper body from the ball. Hold 2 seconds, lower to starting position. This is one rep; do or work up to 15, then switch side.
- Lay on your back on the floor. Rest both feet on the upper part of your ball, with your hips and knees at 90 degrees. Place your hands behind your head; do not lock your fingers. Lift your shoulders off the floor towards your knees. Hold 2 seconds, return to start position. This is one rep; do or work up to 20.
- Sit on your ball, spine erect and abdominals tight. Balance in this position by placing your palms on the side of the ball. Raise your right leg by bending at the hip until your foot is 6 inches off the ground. Now slowly extend the knee to straighten the leg as far as possible. Hold for a 3-second count, return to start position. Do other leg. This is one rep. Do or work up to 15 reps.
- Sit on your ball and walk forward one full step. Lean back and place your hands behind your head without locking your fingers together. Raise your upper body towards your knees, at the same time lift the left leg toward your right shoulder. Turn your upper body to the left and touch your right elbow to your left knee, or as close as you can get it. Return to start position; repeat, except this time touch left elbow to right knee. This is one rep; do or work up to 15.
- Lie face down on your ball. Walk forward until you can place both elbows on the floor. Keep hands in a fist; legs are off the ground, forearms and elbows flat on the floor, shoulder width apart. Raise right leg straight up, hold 3 seconds, slowly lower to starting position. Repeat with left leg; this is one rep. Do or work up to 15 reps.
- Kneel in front of your ball. Make a fist with each hand and place them side by side on top of your ball. Keeping your body firm and your abs tight, roll the ball away from you. Come forward until your armpits are almost touching the ball. Now press down firmly on your ball to start the movement back to starting position. This is one rep. Do or work up to 10 reps.
- Everyone wants to have 6 pack abdominals. Truth of the matter is it comes down to genetics. What you should really focus on is being the best, most fit you as possible. Your the one that looks yourself in the mirror. You know what your family genetics are, if a six pack of abdominals is not in your future that doesn’t mean you can’t look awesome. Just means you will be a fit you. I’ll take that any day, how about you?
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Rob Denny says
not at all. Thanks.