Simple Changes To Start Doing Things Better
Who wouldn’t want to start doing things better? We are all a work in progress, hopefully. We are all our own worst critics. Even though there have been multiple on the power of positive thinking, it can be difficult during a stressful day. Instead of overwhelming yourself with a large list, simplify things to start doing things better. Here’s how:
Write Down Daily Tasks
Before you go to bed at night, write down all tasks you wish to complete the next day. These tasks should be super easy that it’s impossible for you not to complete them the next day. Eat a piece of fruit, walk for 20 minutes, eat a vegetable, drink a 16 oz of water first thing in the morning, are a few healthy choices to make. Take something out of the freezer for dinner. Listen to something that makes you laugh first thing in the morning. Meditate for 5 minutes. Be sure to check them off as they are completed.
Write Down Long-Term Fitness Goals
What are your fitness goals? Take time to write them down. How much weight do you want to lose? What weight do you want to maintain? Your daily calorie intake target? What exercise do you want to increase your lifting to time? Now, write down a small, easy daily task that works toward achieving the long-term goal. “Today I will eat one vegetable”. “Today I will do 50 sit-ups.” “Today I will walk 30 minutes.” “Tonight when I have a beer or glass of wine I will drink a 16 oz glass of cold water at the same time.” Any little task you can think of performing on a daily basis that will help you reach your long-term fitness goals. Don’t forget to mark off each small task you achieve throughout the day. This will make you feel good about yourself and psychologically encourage you to achieve more.
Make Small Tasks About Your Personal Life Too
Write down everything you can think of to make your day easier. “Today I will get out of bed at 6:00 am”. I will be in the shower by 6:30. I’m going to listen to a song that makes me feel good when I wake up. I will leave for work by 8:00 am. I will make breakfast at 7:00 am. Again, make sure these are small, easy to achieve tasks that you will have no problem completing. Checking them off as they are completed is like giving yourself a high five. Who doesn’t like getting a high five? It will encourage you to continue. Accomplishing more will increase your mood throughout the day. Don’t believe me? Give it a try tomorrow, then post your comment below.
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