Back Exercises Used To Reinforce Your Back
The National Institute of Health has estimated that 4 out of 5 Americans suffer from pain in the back at some time. This is why it’s important to do different back exercises to strengthen your muscles. Neck and back pain afflicts a person suddenly and without offering any previous symptoms. When affected, one needs to use their body’s own recovery capability to deal with the discomfort, instead of preferring medicines, and strengthen their body through back exercises. Many resort to natural relief through acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic and osteopathic care. I will be doing a two part series here with stretching and exercises you can use to strengthen your back.All of the workouts in this first article are bodyweight meaning you can do them anywhere.
Back Exercises for a stronger back
Back workouts are one of the much better methods to relieve yourself from back pain and lead a healthy life. Prevent abrupt motions and jerks when carrying out back workouts, even though it possibly hard to carry out the actions in a controlled and sluggish movement.
Only perform back exercises after consulting your fitness instructor or doctor. It is also essential to understand that back pain does not develop over night and thus remediation of the back will also take time.
Begin your back exercises with the following gentle stretch
Lie on your back with knees bent.Gradually raise your left knee to your chest, while pushing your lower back firmly against the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Unwind; repeat the exercise with your right knee. Repeat this exercise 10 times for each leg for one set. Do 3 sets.
Cat-camel stretch
Start on your hands and knees, slowly alternate between arching and rounding your back so that all three sections of your spine extend together and then flex together. Do this slowly and gently, and don’t force it. One cycle will take three to four seconds. Repeat stretch five or six times.
Seated Spine Twist
Sit on a chair, place your feet flat on the floor. Slowly twist your upper body so your shoulders rotate to one side. You can use the chair for support, to get a deep muscle stretch. Go as far as comfortable, make sure it’s a good stretch. You should feel the pull from your lower up to the middle of your back. Hold for 15 seconds or 5 semi-deep breaths, return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. That’s one set, do 3.
Side Bends
Stand up with straight, feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart. Place one hand behind your head and keep the other arm flat against your side. Bend from your waist, while sliding your hanging arm down your leg. Slide your hand up your leg in a controlled motion to straighten and return to the original position. Without any pauses, continue the side bends. Do 15 of the bends, then repeat on other side. That’s one set, do 3.
Quadratus Stretch
Sit upright with your legs crossed in front, hands resting on hips. Reach your hands out to one side, lowering your head, looking at the floor. Hold for five seconds or two deep breaths. Return to top, now do other side. That’s one rep, do 10 reps, 3 sets.
What are your favorite back exercises? Comments below are always appreciated!
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