Tips To Live Stress Free For A More Enjoyable Life
In these busy times many people find themselves stressed. Hustling to pay the bills, trying to stay in shape and of course surfing the web for the latest news and funny animal videos, are just a few things that make the days fly by. The thought of being able to live stress free seems like a distant nightmare. But it doesn’t have to be. Now more than ever it’s easy to get down on yourself or stressed about the whole rat race. Try some of the following ideas to simplify your life and add a little joy.
Start Your Day Off With Happy Thoughts
Everyone has negative things happen throughout certain days. Starting your day off with positive energy will help you get through them with a good attitude. When you wake up in the morning, start making a point to laugh and feel good about yourself. Play a song that makes you feel good and want to move. Listen to something or someone that makes you laugh – hard. Set aside 10 minutes to meditate. Never meditated? There are plenty of apps available today to put you on the right path.
Avoid The News First Thing In The Morning And Before You Got To Bed At Night
This includes local news. Hearing horrible stories of families being robbed or even worse, murdered helps you how? It doesn’t. Bringing any drama into your life that you have no control over is a complete waste of energy. In order to live stress free, start cutting this out immediately. Before you go to sleep, unwind by reading a good book or writing down your goals to achieve the next day. using electronics before bedtime may affect your falling asleep.
Straighten Up Around Your House
This is something I struggle with personally. I can honestly say when I de-clutter parts of my home I feel great. Since I walk 45 minutes to an hour every morning I’ve become a big fan of books on tape. I recently started listening to Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing”. I am only about 6 chapters in but if clutter is an issue, I highly recommend you buy the book, kindle or book on tape. Actually going through a room in your house and clearing it of things you do not need anymore could be one of the best ways to live stress free. You’ll feel even better when you donate clothes or canned food to a local needy cause too.
Dump Your Credit Cards
Studies have shown that we spend much more when using credit cards compared to cash. It makes sense, right? Why do you think they want you to buy chips in Vegas? Certainly not to make it easier for the dealer. It makes it easier for you to throw your money away because you are looking at a plastic chip instead of your hard earned green. Same goes for whipping out that plastic card when you are out and about. Try paying cash for everything you purchase the next 15 days. You’ll be surprised.
Keep Your House Clean
Walking in from a long day to a clean house will make you feel calm and relaxed. Walking into newspapers and magazines laying around, sink full of dishes, etc…will make you feel depressed. Get rid of your Magazine and Newspaper subscriptions today. You can usually find them online. Hire a cleaning lady to come in once a month. They just know how to clean better. It’s like the difference of giving yourself a massage and paying a pro to massage you, not even close. The feeling you get walking into your home after having it cleaned will motivate you to keep thing clean.
These are just a few tips live stress free. There’s no reason to overwhelm yourself with a bunch of different ideas all at one. Apply the above and you’ll be well on your way to live stress free lifestyle we all seek.
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