Eight Tips To Losing Weight For Crazy-Busy People
Losing weight anytime is a challenge, but particularly when you are busy. Regardless of how difficult it is, reaching a healthy weight is a worthwhile goal. Busy men and women often feel that weight loss is something they will do later, but it is possible to lose weight without giving up your limited free time. As an added benefit, losing weight can boost energy, improve sleep and otherwise make day to day life easier. These weight loss tipswill help get you started.
– Plan your meals and snacks. Sure, it takes a little time, but investing a little time in meal planning makes losing weight much easier. In addition, once you factor the time you would spend sitting in drive thru lines, you may end up ahead time-wise. Planning meals and snacks doesn’t have to be complicated. Cook on the weekends and prep lunches and dinners for the week. Have a supply of healthy, easy to grab foods available, for days when you just can’t wait to eat. Yogurt, fruit, cheese, and nuts all make good choices when you need to get something quick.
– Schedule time to exercise. If you try to fit exercise in during free time, you will never exercise. Decide on a time that you can realistically fit in exercise and stick with it. There is no magic formula to losing weight, exercise!
– Exercise intensely. If you don’t have much time to exercise, you really need to make every minute count. High intensity cardio allows you to burn more calories in less time than gentler forms of exercise. Here’s a 10 minute workout you can do that helps losing weight – go as fast as you can on a treadmill, stationary bike, running on street, stairs whatever is available, now walk 30 seconds, then repeat! Do this 5 times.
– Pump iron. Lifting weights increase muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even when you are not exercising. Muscle also takes up less room than fat, meaning you will look smaller and fit into smaller clothes even without losing weight.
– Keep it simple. Ideally, you would have perfectly balanced meals, get plenty of sleep, and adequate exercise. Realistically, make a few changes you know you can stick with, and maintain those changes rather than chasing perfection. You will be surprised at how quickly you see results if you consistently exercise 15 minutes a day, don’t drink any of your calories, and double up on brightly colored vegetables and cut back on starchy vegetables. A few simple, realistic changes will help you shed weight much quicker than trying to change your entire lifestyle and giving up by lunch each day.
– Get support. Whether it is from a spouse, in person meetings, or online support groups, having someone to encourage you can make it easier to stay on your losing weight plan. If you’re busy, it can be easy to let social interactions fall by the wayside, but even having someone to check in via text message once a day is beneficial.
– Make better choices. All of the different lifestyle choices we make are cumulative. Consistently making better choices will eventually become a habit. Earlier bedtimes, healthier snacks, meditation rather than unwinding in front of the television will all help losing weight.
– Figure out what works for you. Easy diet plans may seem like the right choice when you are busy, but if you don’t care for the meal plan, you will have trouble staying on track. On the other hand, if you like most foods, but have trouble committing to healthy eating, a diet plan may work perfectly. If you have a hectic schedule, working out at the gym may not be the best choice, but if you have small children at home, you may relish the opportunity to go to the gym a few times a week.
As you can see, there are many ways busy women and men can fit weight loss into their lives. By implementing these strategies, you can lose weight without becoming a slave to the gym, kitchen or scale.
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