20-minute weightlifting routine to get in shape
I hear this all the time “I don’t have time to workout”. Not true and this 20 minute weightlifting workout proves it. Reality is, this is a 30-minute workout. Spend 5 minutes warming up with stretches or walking on a treadmill, cross-country machine, row machine, or stationary bike. When finished lifting, spend 5 minutes stretching. You can do this at your home or the gym. Use the 3-1-1 lifting method – lower weight 3 seconds, pause 1 second, explode weight up in 1 second. Do the workout as a circuit, doing each exercise for one minute. Do a total of two circuits. Do this weightlifting routine 2 days per week and follow your diet for 4 weeks—you’ll be happy you did.
Split squat
- Stand upright with your feet split Front to back holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides.
- Lower your body toward the floor bending at the hips and knees and leaning your torso slightly forward, With your weight on the front leg.
- Push off the front foot to return to the start position keeping your back flat and your head up throughout the movement
Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side
Flat fly
- Lie on your back holding a pair of dumbbells up over your chest with your arms straight
- Lower the dumbbells out and away from your body and down to shoulder level
- Raise dumbbells back up over your chest keeping your arms straight throughout
Feet up Crunch
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet raised
- Holding a dumbbell up over your chest with your arms straight lift your head and shoulders off the floor keeping your feet raised and arms straight
- Lower your head and shoulders and repeat
French press
- Lie on a bench holding a pair of dumbbells with your arms straight up over your chest
- Bend at the elbows, lowering the dumbbells down to the sides of your head
- Straighten your arms raising the dumbbells back up straight over your chest
Russian twist
- Start in a sit up position with your feet up off the floor, knees bent, holding a dumbbell at chest level in both hands, with your arms extended out in front
- Twist your torso to one side lowering the dumbbell towards the floor
- Twist your torso back to the other side, keep your feet up and arms straight throughout
Side lunge
- Stand upright holding a pair of dumbbells by your sides, with your arms straight.
- Step laterally to one side, lowering your body down and leaning your torso slightly forward with your weight on the outside leg (keep your trailing leg straight)
- Push off you’re outside foot to return to the start position
Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side
Recip overhead press
- Stand upright holding one dumb bell at shoulder level, elbow bent and the other overhead with your arm straight
- Press the lower dumbbell overhead while lowering the other one down to shoulder level
Both dumbbells should be moving at the same time but in opposite directions
Self Row
- Hold on to a suspended straight bar with a wide grip, your arms and body straight and your heels on the floor
- Pull your chest up to the bar, bending at the elbows, keeping your body straight
Lower your body back to the start position
Seated Twisted Curl
- Sit upright holding a pair of dumbbells by your sides with your arms straight and your palms facing inward
- Raise the dumbbells up to your shoulders turning at the wrists and finishing with your palms facing back
Keep your elbows close to your sides throughout and do not swing your arms or upper body
Alternating Superman
Life face down on the floor with your legs straight and your arms outstretched overhead
- Raise one arm and the opposite leg straight up about 18 inches off the floor
- Lower both and repeat with the other arm and leg keeping your arms and legs straight throughout and your head steady
Perform one wrap on one side then switch to the other side alternate sides with each rep
As with any weightlifting exercise, never continue if you feel any pain.
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