How To Increase Pull-Ups – Get Strong
Pull-ups are one of the best exercises you can do. They are also one of the most overlooked. Many people can’t do more than one or two so they figure why bother. You want to bother because they force you to have the capacity to manipulate your entire body weight on the vertical plane. By being strong at pull-ups, you posses a superior strength-to-weight which means you are strong. You don’t need a gym membership for either, you can simply buy a bar for the home. Below is a plan to help you increase pull-ups to get to 12 overhand grip pull-ups. Start wherever you need to after doing an assessment of your strength doing a underhand grip pull-up.
If You Can’t Do A Pull Up – Start here
This is a good place to start to increase pull-ups. Depending on where you are doing pull-ups, grab a bench (gym) or chair (home) and set it in front. Stand on the bench/chair and grab the bar with an underhand pull-up grip. Lift yourself up until your chin is over the bar. Now slowly lower yourself until your arms are straight then drop to the ground, that’s one rep. Do 5 sets of 5 with a 60 second rest between sets. The goal is to be able lower yourself to a 5 second count. Once you accomplish this move on to the next exercise. Do these 3 days a week, resting a day between workouts.
Assisted Pull Up Machine – Beginner
If you belong to a gym that has a machine, you can start here and not do negative pull-ups or combine the two. Use a wide overhand grip. Do 5 sets of 10 reps. Make sure you are using a weight that is making you work. Do this workout 3 days a week with a day of rest between workouts.
Chin Ups
The last exercise to increase pull-ups are Chin-ups, which are easier than regular overhand pull-ups. At this point you should be able to do at least 5 per set. If not, cheat. Instead of going all the way down, go half way down and then pull back up making sure you get your chin over the bar. Do this workout 3 days a week with a day of rest in-between workouts. Once you can do 5 sets of 5 without cheating, switch to 4 sets of 10 reps, 2 days a week. Once you can do these without cheating, your ready to tackle pull-ups.
Overhand (regular) Pull-ups
Congratulations on working so hard to increase pull-ups. You are now ready for the real deal. Hang from the bar overhead using a wide overhand grip. Pull your body up, bending at the elbows until your chin reaches over the bar. Lower back down in a controlled move to where your arms are fully extended. You want to get to where you can do four sets of 10 follow-ups without cheating. Do this work out two days a week with a day of rest in between. If you cannot do 10 pull-ups here are a few cheats.
- Use a little kick with your legs at the bottom of each rep to help pull yourself back up.
Only go down halfway.
Do as many as you can then drop off the bar, rest 10 seconds and finish your set.
Developed a swing type of movement. Pull yourself up as fast as you can get your chin over the bar and immediately draw as far fast you can do not pause at the bottom instead kick your legs and slang up to where you’re reporting your Chin over the bar.
Once you’re able to do four sets of 10 pull-ups without cheating pick a day after a few days off for doing pull-ups and see how many you can do it wants. I guarantee it will be more than 12 and you will be much stronger and in better shape than when you started this work out..
What do you think of this increased pull-up exercise do you have any suggestions please comment below
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