Focus More On Diet Or Exercise?
Everyone knows in a perfect world a combination of a balanced diet with exercise is ideal for not just wait loss but muscle gain and overall wellness. Should you focus more on diet or exercise? If you follow nutrition guidelines like not piling on platefuls of food, lean proteins, fruits etc… and mix in regular doses of aerobic activity and resistance training, your sure to optimize your health. Most people battle everyday in their head weather they should diet or exercise. They have a full plate of food in front of them and know they shouldn’t eat it all but then think “well I’ll exercise it off later”. Then they get busy and do not have time to exercise which leads to punishing yourself which is the worst thing you can do about anything, not just diet or exercise. Maybe you have a different goal like getting from a 36 inch waist to a 34 or staving off diabetes. Sometimes focusing on one over the other will give you better, faster results.
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