Boost Squats And Deadlifts With This Workout
If you are looking to boost squats and deadlifts, lifting heavier weights is not necessarily the way to go. In fact, pushing beyond a comfortable weight could lead to injury rather than reaching your goal to boost squats and deadlifts. What you need to focus on is your weakest muscles. Only after you strengthen these points will you truly be able to boost squats and deadlifts. Use the below workout to get on track to boost squats and deadlifts. If you do these properly, you will see the improvements you are looking for in 3-4 weeks.
The most important thing you can do besides using proper technique is use the right tempo. Since we will be building our weakest points, you want to use a good tempo to keep the muscles under tension. Use a tempo of 4-0-1-0 throughout all of these exercise. That’s a 4 second lower, 0 rest at the bottom, 1 second explosion back to the starting position and 0 second rest at the top, i.e., go right back into a 4 second lower.
Rest times and reps
It doesn’t do any good to keep tension on your muscles for 50 seconds and then take a two minute break. This is why it is important not to worry about lifting heavy right now. If you are using the proper tempo as suggested above, you will more than likely be lifting a much lighter weight than your used to. That’s fine. Pick a weight you can do 8 times, then rest for no more than a minute. Ideally you should rest 40 seconds. At the least, start out after set one with a 40 second rest. If you need to, rest 50 seconds after set 2, then 60 after sets 3 and 4. Work your way to only 40 seconds rests throughout.
The Routine
Remember!!! Do not sacrifice tempo or technique. Do not worry about how much weight you are lifting. The videos are not using a 4-0-1-0. They are here to show you technique.
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