Psychology And Your Body – the Inner Workings Of Your Mind Are Important
I want to talk a little bit about psychology and your body, having the right frame of mind for not only fitness but also your mental well-being. Most of the blog posts I write are about workouts and diet to make you look good physically. Feeding your mind the right thoughts is just as important.
There are professionals that study psychology and your body who recommend not watching or listening to the news. Filling your head with a bunch of negative stories that you have no control over benefits psychology and your body how? It doesn’t. A good change would be to listen to something that makes you laugh. Read an inspirational book that puts a smile on your face and love in your heart. Crank up a favorite song that makes you feel good (headphones may be required:) Think of all the things you have to be thankful for every morning – life, your health, family, whatever comes to your mind.
Say I love you every day. If you have a family, that’s easy! If you live alone consider getting a dog. They’ll make you laugh and fill your heart with love. Think I’m kidding? Google pets and read the studies yourself. Don’t have a lot of room? Small dogs can be just as much fun as big ones. Ask a local vet or go to an animal shelter, they’ll help you make the right choice for your lifestyle.
At night, avoid reality TV crap. The only reality TV I watch is sports. If you are alone and bored at night, try learning a musical instrument. I started playing guitar at 35 and I can honestly say I’m no Jimmy Page. I do get great enjoyment out of playing. YouTube has great channels for learning guitar like this one tonedr or this one martysongs. Developing a thankful heart will help you succeed in everything in life.
Focus On A Good Night Sleep
Try hard to get 8 hours of sleep a night. If you can’t get 8, get as close to it as possible. Your body and mind really need the shutdown time to rejuvenate and be ready to take on the new day. Stay away from sleeping aids, they can be addictive and cause daytime drowsiness. Instead, keep a book next to your bed. Can’t sleep? Turn off the TV and read—helps me every time. A couple of authors I like are John Sanford and Robert B. Parker. For inspiration, I really enjoy Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. I have his “10 secrets to success and inner peace” on my nightstand next to my bed. I have the book highlighted and read parts daily. There’s also that little book you find in every hotel room called the Bible. It is filled with amazing stories.
Everyday challenges of life can be disappointing enough; attack them with an optimistic attitude and loving heart and you will not only feel better, you’ll have much more energy too. Put away fear and worry and find joy. Stop binging. Eat right, exercise, find a sport and purpose in your life and your entire life will change—I guarantee it.
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