Train To Build Muscle Should Always Be A Goal
How much intensity you will use when you train to build muscle will depend mostly on the resistance you are using. Resistance as well as the amount of weight you are lifting will have a deciding effect on your training. Using lower resistance or lighter weights will let you do more sets and reps which, in theory, boosts your calorie burning during your workout. We all know burning fat is never a bad thing. If you decide to lift heavier weights to train to build muscle, you need to be cautious not to go so heavy you hurt yourself but you do want to actually micro-damage the muscle. Micro-damage is necessary to improve the size and strength of muscle tissues and while it sounds bad, it’s not!
Relax And Don’t Worry About What Others Are Lifting
Don’t be in a hurry and do not rush into heavy lifting. If you are just starting to work out in a gym, don’t worry about how much the other guy or gal is lifting or how many pull-ups they do etc… Trust me when I tell you this as I train to build muscle in a gym 5 days a week, no one cares. I couldn’t tell you what one person lifts in my gym. Go to the gym with a plan for building your best body. That’s all that matters. Trying to lift what someone you think looks in worse shape, younger or equal to you is a waste of time. It can easily lead to injury too. If you are starting out, don’t worry about how hard you train to build muscle, it’s a process, make sure you are enjoying the ride or it won’t last.
Reps, sets and intensities
Hopefully you are coming to the gym with a plan, what body parts you are going to work, how much weight to lift, how many reps, sets and intensity you will be doing. First thing to figure out is how many reps you are going to do and then how much weight you are going to lift. If you are doing 12 reps, obviously the weight will be lighter than if you are lifting 8. The most important thing to make note of when you are lifting is how you feel on the last rep. The muscle you are working should feel tired with a slight burn. If not, you need to increase the amount of weight you are lifting until you get to this point. You want to be able to complete the amount of reps you are supposed to lift but just barely. That last rep must take max effort to complete with proper form if you want to see results while you train to build muscle. You must stimulate the muscle you are working.
Never Sacrifice Form
You see people in the gym all the time squirming to finish that last rep. Never be that person. Once you start moving around during your lift, you have taken the focus away from the body part you intended to work. You are also running a high risk of injuring yourself. Instead of trying to lift a weight that is too heavy, make it a goal to get to a point in your routine that you can lift that weight with perfect form. Following a steady workout routine, you will achieve your goal. This is much safer than “cheating” by swinging, jerking or throwing around too heavy a weight. You run the risk of serious injury.
Remember – Hard Work Always Pays Off
Weightlifting is no different than anything else in life, it takes hard work to get where you want to go. make no mistake, your hard work will show in your physique. It won’t happen over night but if you have the patience to stick with your workouts, you will see success. Think about it, if you start out only able to bench press 150 pounds but after a period of time you find yourself benching 200, where do you think that’s coming from? New muscle in your chest that’s where. If you go from curling 40 pounds to eighty, I guarantee when you flex your bicep in the mirror you will see new muscle you’ve never had before or haven’t seen in a long time. Keep this in mind and this article when you decide to train to build muscle. It will happen!
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