Insomnia Cheat Sheet – Tips For A Better Night Sleep

Has bedtime become a battle that you just can’t win? Insomnia is a health condition that can make it impossible to get a good night’s rest. Tossing and turning, staring at the clock and frequent waking are just a few of the symptoms you may experience. While insomnia is frustrating, it is important to remember that there are some things that can be done. Use this insomnia cheat sheet to identify the underlying cause of your insomnia, and learn a few tricks for finally getting some sleep.
Some people brag about not needing sleep. Yet, seven to eight hours of sleep is necessary for staying healthy. A lack of sleep can also have serious consequences. For example, your body requires rest for healing. You also build memories during sleep. Daytime drowsiness can also lead to car accidents. Insomnia may also cause problems with your job.
Identifying Potential Causes
You can try to wait out one night of no sleep. However, more than three nights without sleep should be cause for concern. It is important to find out the cause of your insomnia 9the point of writing this insomnia cheat sheet). A journal is a good place to start. Place a journal by your bed. Write down any times you wake up. Also write down things you did before bed. Try to notice patterns in your routine. You can use this log to talk to your doctor. Remember that you may still have to do some detective work to find the cause.
There are many reasons why you may be struggling with sleep. Insomnia can occur at any age. Yet, it is more likely to occur after the age of 35. Among the most common causes of insomnia are:
• Medication side effects
• Stress
• Depression
• Lack of exercise
• Light sensitivity
• Sleep apnea
• Restless legs syndrome
• Too much alcohol, nicotine or caffeine
• Shifting work hours
• Hormonal changes
The best treatment for your insomnia will depend upon the underlying cause. Stress management is the easiest place to start. Focus on learning relaxation ideas that can be done shortly before bedtime. Medication is sometimes prescribed for sleep disorders. The medication may address health conditions that impact your ability to sleep. You may also make changes to your bedroom. Use curtains to block light. Toss your alarm clock. Melatonin is another natural trick that can help your body fall asleep.
One of the best ways to manage insomnia is to make lifestyle changes that improve sleep. Using these strategies will get you on the right track to stop that tossing and turning.
• Limit caffeine, alcohol and nicotine
• Avoid eating two hours before bedtime
• Limit daytime naps to less than half an hour
• Expose yourself to bright light during the day
• Practice a relaxation technique before bedtime
• Stick to a regular bedtime and waking up schedule
• Create a relaxing bedroom environment (cool, dark and quiet)
• Turn off all electronics before bedtime
• Read a book if you cannot fall asleep.
• Consider professional help if insomnia occurs daily for more than two weeks without responding to self-help strategiesStay on your schedule to keep insomnia from coming back. Exercise during the day. Skip that coffee. Continue to lower your stress. This will help you to get the most out of your day.
What do you think of this insomnia cheat sheet? Comments and suggestions are always appreciated!
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