Boost Your Energy For Peak Performance All Day
Feeling cranky? Maybe you have an aching back, feel tired all the time and just can’t get out of that funk. In order to boost your energy level, you have to make some changes in your life. Below you will find plenty of ideas to make every day your best.
Stay Hydrated
Keeping your body will not only boost your energy, it will help with muscle growth and aid in keeping you feeling full. Nothing but good old water is all you need. If you find water too boring, try out some of these flavoring tips to add natural flavor.
Avoid Late Night Alchohol
Drinking late at night can not only cause you to wake up feeling hungover and lethargic, alcohol also prevents you from entering the REM phase of sleep. This is your most restful time of sleep so even if you are getting 8 hours you may still wake up feeling tired.
Get some Sun
Sun is the best source for Vitamin D and vitamin D is great for energy. Be sure to wear sunscreen. If you can’t get outside, open up the blinds or curtains and let the sunshine through.
Don’t Overeat
Especially at lunch when your in the middle of what is probably a busy day. Keep your lunch to under 500 calories. Eat a healthy snack in the afternoon. Keep some type of nuts handy, preferably unsalted Almonds. At the least make sure your snack has fiber and protein, not just for energy but to keep you full.
Go For A Walk
Especially if you are woking in an office with little natural light. Taking a walk or hike during lunch after eating can rejuvenate you by increasing blood flow and adding oxygen to your body to help finish your day strong.
Take a power nap
Whether you sneak under your desk, the lounge area or your car, studies have shown that a 20-minute power nap can help boost your energy by increasing brain power which increases mental performance.
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