Bicep Workout – Blast Your Biceps In A Short Period Of Time
Here’s a good bicep workout routine. If it’s a little hard to understand, don’t be afraid to highlight, then print them to take to the gym, garage or wherever else your working out. This Bicep workout is assuming you are lifting weights at an intermediate level.
Biceps – perform 3 sets of the close grip chin-up followed by 3 sets of the dumbbell single arm isometric curl and then 3 sets of the Hammer Curls to complete this Bicep workout. Rest for 60 seconds after each set. Do as many chin-ups as possible in each set and complete 10-12 reps in each set of curls. Perform this workout twice a week, resting at least 2 days between sessions.
Close grip chin-up – Grab a chin-up bar with an underhand grip, your hands about 6 inches apart. Hang with your arms straight, Keeping your face straight ahead and your elbows pointed down, pull yourself up until the bar is directly under your chin. Then lower yourself to the starting position.
Dumbbell single arm isometric bicep curl – grab a dumbbell in each hand. Curl the weight in your left hand until your elbow is bent 90 degrees. Holding that position, curl the weight in your right hand toward your shoulder, lower it. Complete the required reps while holding your left arm steady at the 90 degree angle. Repeat on the other side.
Hammer Curls
Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand with you feet shoulder width apart, arms hanging at your sides, palms facing each other. Keeping your upper arms pressed firmly against your body, raise the dumbbells by bending at the elbow. Keep your palms facing each other throughout the entire movement. Barely touch your shoulder with the weight, pause, then lower weight to starting position. This is one rep; use a 3-1-3 count (raise weight 3 seconds, pause at top 1 second, lower 3 seconds).
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