Are You Using A Training Program? You Should Be
Many people new to working out aren’t sure what a training program is or how it works. Then there are those that have been lifting weights for so long they feel they do not need a training program. I am here to tell you everyone needs a training program and why it’s so important. Don’t get me wrong, I do not think there is a perfect training program. I also feel you should change your program every 3-4 weeks to avoid boredom and most of all always be hitting your muscles in different areas. This doesn’t mean you need 15 different programs to get through a year. I use 3-4 different programs. I never do the same program more than 4 weeks. I actually have one program I use for 45 days leading up to my birthday. It’s the only time of year I use that particular program. i use the other 3 the rest of the year and normally change them every 3 weeks.
What Is The Best Training Program?
First and most importantly, the one you will do. It should be challenging to finish but not impossible. Whenever you leave the gym after a weight lifting workout whatever muscles you work should feel pumped, as should you for working out. Never sell your workout short by making it a breeze to get through but also never forget to give yourself a pat on the back for getting your ass to the gym! That’s huge, never forget that! Just make sure you remember, muscles don’t build themselves, it takes hard work.
You’ll Need Good Music
Unless you have no passion – and if your in the gym working out I find that hard to believe – then when you need to dig down to get through a set, a last rep, make sure you are listening to whatever music moves your soul. Music has gotten me through many workouts when my ass was dragging. Before staring that last set, put on any song that motivates you. Get into the rhythm of the song before you “lift off”. Music will make you focus on the beat instead of how tired you are or how exhausted a muscle.
Change The Rhythms Of Your Lifts
As I discussed in the beginning of this article, it is crucial you change up your training program. Breathing patterns are part of your programs to help continually change the tension you put on your muscles. Here’s a few examples I always use at different times.
Bench press – lower the weight to a count of 4, pause for a count of one, then explode up for a count of one. That’s one rep. Pause for a count of one, then repeat. This is called a 4-1-1 method. Now change any numbers you want. I use a 3-1-1,3-1-3, 4-01-0 and 5-01-0. You can do the with any exercise and it starts when are either lifting or lowering. For example, assisted pull-ups, 4-1-1, I lower lower 4, pause 1, explode back to beginning in one.
Having a training program will help you reach muscle building, weight loss, toning, insert whatever goal you have goals. It will give you direction while at the gym or wherever else you are working out. I hope you start tracking everything involved with your health now.
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