Fitness Goals Should Be Fun And Rewarding
Fitness goals are like any other goal in life. Stop for a minute and think about how you got where you are today. I’m not talking about physically, I’m talking about what you do for a living. For example, your a software engineer. More than likely, you decided this is what you wanted to do for a living. You then looked into the best colleges, went to school, graduated and interviewed for a job with different companies. My point? You set up a plan and had a goal. It’s no different for your fitness, you need to set fitness goals, in writing and study your plan. Your fitness goals may not even be to lose weight. They could be to put on 10 pounds of muscle. Or run faster, hit a better backhand in tennis, jump higher to spike a volleyball, have the ball roll off your fingers properly to make more jump shots. Whatever fitness goals you have, here are some tips on achieving them.
Know The Big Picture
Like going to college scenario above, write down your exact end fitness goals and how long you plan on taking to achieve. Want to lose 30 pounds by the end of the year? Put it in writing – then read it 3 times a day. You can put any goal on a few stickies then spread them around the house, bathroom mirror, refrigerator, lamp next to your bed. Make sure you are reading them constantly. These constant reminders are a big part of your success.
Write Down The “Baby Steps” To Get To The Big Picture
Knowing you have fitness goals is great but how are you going to achieve them. I am going to stick with losing 30 pounds throughout the remainder of this article but if you have fitness goals to do one of the other things I mentioned, you can still use all these steps. Dropping 30 pounds isn’t going to just happen, you have to have a plan. Write it down! How much weight are you going to drop the first month? What adjustments in your life style are you going to make? Set realistic fitness goals here. Don’t just say I’ll cut my carbs on a daily basis. Write down how many you are going to eat a day. Don’t say “I’m going to cut my calories” write down how many? What are you going to eat? Get specific.
Be Realistic
If you have no idea how many calories you are taking in right now then before even starting a diet spend at least a few days keeping your same eating habits and write them down. Now write down however many calories you need to take in a day to lose weight (this should be 75% or less of what you are eating now) Want to hit a better backhand on the tennis court? What’s wrong with yours now? Write it down. What is a better backhand? The great thing about the internet today is you can go to youtube and for this example, put “ how to hit a better tennis backhand in the search engine then sit back and watch a few videos from professional instructors (this is true for about anything) Now write these tips down, study them and practice them on a ball machine. Realize up front, your never going to hit a backhand like Federer. Your goal should be to hit the best backhand you are capable of and how you will accomplish this.
Never Beat Yourself Up
The fact you are taking time to read this article means you want to start setting some fitness goals. One of the biggest problems we all have is that “little voice in the head“. Whenever you miss a workout, eat something that wasn’t part of your plan or healthy, whatever, let it go. Guilt and being hard on ourselves is a trait everyone has but it does you no good. Every single person has either done or said something they regret but what’s done is done so let it go. that piece of cheesecake looked to good to pass up when you were out for dinner? I hope you enjoyed it and didn’t sit there think “this is ruining my diet.” Who cares? Let it go. Always focus on all the good you are doing. Each time you reach one of your steps to your main goal, reward yourself! You could even add rewards to your plan, each time I accomplish this I will reward myself with this. Rewards are a much better part of your plan than guilt.
Do you have any fitness goals? Please share below!
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