How Long Has It Been since You Used Plank Exercises To Test Core Strength
Having a fit and strong core is a great test of the condition you are in and one of the best ways to test core strength is with the following plank exercises. Having a strong core doest just look good, it will help prevent back, knee, foot, and other ailments. It will also help prevent injury when performing everyday tasks like cleaning the house or picking up things off the floor.
Planks are a fantastic way to begin your fitness journey as the moves are easy to learn, though not easy to complete! that will come over time as you hold each pose for longer periods of time. The great thing is when you find plank exercises you love you can do them over and over again adding challenges to your body by holding the poses or doing the exercises for longer periods of time. Another great thing is you can do planks anywhere, no equipment necessary.
The Workouts
If you haven’t done planks or are out of shape these will probably be tough at first. Stick with them! You’ll be surprised how fast you can increase your time. Start out by trying to hold each plank for 30 seconds, then increase as much as possible. If you can’t hold 30 seconds, go to your max. If you can already hold two minutes, work your way to five which is top fitness. Do two sets of each exercise a day. Once you have accomplished holding for two minutes, increase to three minutes. When you can do three sets for two minutes in a day, add another exercise. There are 10 exercises below. Do one a day for five days a week.
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