Drop Sets For Serious Muscle Growth – Ready For Some Pain?
If you’ve been following my blog you know I am a big proponent of switching up your routines. Using drop sets for serious muscle growth is a great way to switch things up. These things are crucial to do for your body to constantly be challenged. Over the years I’ve experimented with what seems like literally hundreds of high intensity training methods. Everything from supersets, giant sets, continuous tension, negatives, partials, contraction, 8 sets of 8, 6 sets of countdowns from 12 to 2, 5 sets of 5, and 21’s come right off the top of my head. I do all this not just because it’s fun to mix my workout up but more importantly so I don’t plateau. Drop sets for serious muscle growth are not easy but they work and anyone can do them. Beginner or experienced body builder, these work for all types and will be intense for anyone no matter the level.