Tips To Avoid Injuring Your Body You Should Always Follow
After you’ve been in the gym for a while you find yourself constantly pushing your body for new muscle growth. These are tips to avoid injuring your body on a few classic moves everyone does in the gym.
Bench Press Gone Wrong
We will start our tips to avoid injuring your body with the bench press. The bench press is a classic lift in bodybuilding because it is one of the most essential ways of training your chest muscles. When you perform a bench press, your hands should be shoulder- width apart. Grip the barbell firmly with both hands and close your fingers around the bar for maximum control.
Never use a dead man’s grip (suicide grip)
This is when you have your thumb on the same side as your fingers when gripping the barbell to make the lift more challenging. However, I have to emphasize that this open-handed grip has a bad safety track record. In short, there’s always a chance that the barbell will just roll out of your grip and land on your head or neck.
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