Making Sure You Are Not Vitamin D Deficient Is Crucial To Your Health
One of the most overlooked vitamin’s is D. Many people do not realize it’s importance in its assistance of building stronger bones, protect against diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, and depression, even help you lose weight. Recent research has shown that all of these things can be possible but there was also another stunning find.Three of every four Americans have low levels of vitamin D.
How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?
While researchers are still looking into the affects of “D”, recommended daily allowance is 600 international units (IU) per day for adults up to age 70. Adults over 70 have a recommended daily usage go 800 IU. These are recommended uses in healthy adults. Some researchers recommend much higher doses of “D”, but you should consult your Doctor about this as too much vitamin D can hurt you. According to researchers at the Institute Of Medicine, 4000 IU’s per day or more can be dangerous to your health.
How Do You Get The Proper Amount?
Most of us get vitamin D from sunlight. Sun hitting your bare skin causes your body to make its own form. More than likely you will not get enough “D” from the sunlight. Especially for people in cloudy area and shorter amounts of daylight during the fall and winter months. The best way is through food and supplements. Here is another reason to eat breakfast! It’s a great way to get your day started with vitamin D as long as you are eating the right foods. Most milks are fortified. So are most soy milks for the lactose intolerant. Even the busiest person can eat a quick bowl of cereal, a cup of yogurt, a glass of OJ. You’ll also find fair amounts in hard boiled eggs and ham. Check the labels for what you like to eat in the morning. While many foods do not have natural vitamin D, fish like Salmon, mackerel or swordfish can give you a healthy amount. If you don’t like any of the above and you aren’t getting enough sun, you should look into supplements. Most multivitamins have 400 IU of “D”. Check with your doctor provider for the best supplements for you.
Testing Your Vitamin D Level
If you are concerned about your levels, you can get a blood test done just talk to yout=r doctor. For now, you should at least start tracking how much vitamin D you are taking on a daily basis. Remember, the more you can take in naturally the better.
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