Simple Tips To Connect Mind And Body For Fitness
Have you had a hard time in the past figuring out how to get into shape? Does it seem overwhelming? Trust me you are not alone! One thing that is often overlooked by most who have struggled with permanent lifestyle changes is to connect mind and body for fitness. Have no fear as this article will be discussing that very topic.
What Does Connect Mind And Body For Fitness Mean?
The connect mind and body for fitness is not a magic trick or a voodoo potion, it actually makes a lot of sense. It seems like everyone with an opinion on weight loss and body building always stresses the importance of the weightlifting and diet which makes sense since both are crucial to reaching your ultimate goal of looking good on a beach, pool party or even just getting out of the shower in the morning, looking in the mirror and saying “holy crap, look at my gut”. Even medical science shows the need to harmonize the body and mind to improve your fitness.
Our Mind Can Be Our Biggest Enemy For Fitness
Crazy right? Well it’s true. When mind-body connection is not in harmony we are much less likely to achieve our fitness or any other goals in life. So what is it that causes our connect mind and body to be out of whack? There are a number of reasons, below are a few-
Stress, Especially Toxic
Everyday life challenges are full of stress but if not managed properly they can become extremely toxic. Studies have shown over and over how stress can have a negative impact on the body. Being stressed causes your brain to send a distress signal out to your body which will often lead to feeling exhausted most of the time. When you feel exhausted the last thing you feel like doing is working out, let alone even taking a 20 minute walk. Doing neither has an effect on your overall physical fitness – a negative one. There are several ways to handle stress, here are a few-
- Be aware that you are stressed when it happens, then ask yourself why?
2. Sit down and write out what the problem is, work, co-worker,
something at home, family member. Be honest with yourself. Write
down a solution to the problem, complete it and move on!
3. if it is an issue that can’t be solved, now you are aware of this. Come up with a plan to bring you back to normal thoughts, take in deep breaths, close your eyes and meditate for a few minutes, write about the problem, whatever brings your body back to a non-stress level which will help put your mind at ease.
If You Feel Constantly Under Pressure
Feeling tense on a constant basis is not healthy either. It can make you feel overwhelmed, incapable of making lifestyle changes needed not just for fitness but everyday healthy living. The best way to release tension is through exercise! One of my favorites is hitting a heavy bag and jumping rope, both great ways to let off steam. This is extremely important for your mind-body connection. Of course there are many forms of developing a “tension outlet”, here are a few-
- Play a sport
- Weightlifting
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Cooking
- Playing an instrument
- Volunteer In Your Community
Self Doubt In Ones Self
Our beliefs in ourselves have a huge impact on having a healthy mind-body connection that leads to your ultimate fitness. You can’t achieve any of your goals unless you believe it’s possible. There’s a reason why the old saying “what your mind conceives, your body achieves” has been quoted for years. There have been many studies through the years to show this is true. There is no doubt that if you believe you can get yourself fit and are willing to do the work it will happen. Be sure you believe you can achieve your fitness goals by telling yourself you can do so everyday. Find a program or trainer that will help you stay on track. Getting a workout buddy is always a great way to help get fit and create a positive mind-body connection. The most important thing you can do is take action!
How do you connect mind and body for fitness or any other goal? Please comment below.
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