Fat Shame Yourself To Take Your Health Back
Ever been overweight? Me too. Back in my fat days, I’d fat shame myself. When I’d get out of the shower, I had a big mirror so every time I’d get out I could see my huge gut. My energy level was horrible and never wanted to go to the beach because I didn’t want to take my shirt off. I lived about
a mile from the beach and loved the water so I finally decided to do something about it for me. I didn’t need anyone to tell me I needed to change my lifestyle habits, or to tell me what’s important is on the inside or any other lame ass politically correct comforting. I knew from my own experience that there was no magic pill or that I would shed 10 pounds over the weekend by drinking some “specialty drink”. This was on me.
My First Experience With Fat Shame
My first experience with fat shaming came when I was in the Marine Corps boot camp. They’d paint big red lines across the shirts of overweight recruits. This was to let everyone know they were “fat body’s”. They never got desert in the chow hall and did extra exercising to lose the weight. May sound harsh but most would accomplish proper weight by phase 3 of boot camp (60 days in of 95). This was my first experience in “fat shaming”. Guess what, it worked.
This is also one of the big reasons I decided to name my website Got2ManUp. I know to get back in shape I had to man up. What about pills you may ask. Have you ever listened to the end of the commercials ads about all the horrible possible side effects, even death. No thanks. Ever read an article about type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure dangers, stroke, heart attack, all tied to being fat. No thanks. So I didn’t need anyone to “fat shame” me like I was back in boot camp.
Don’t Be Afraid To Fat Shame Yourself
Seriously, there nothing wrong with kicking yourself in the ass. Ever hear the old saying “he’s his own worse critic”. There’s a reason old sayings become old, they stay around because they are true. We will all beat ourselves up over silly things so why shouldn’t we when it comes to the most important thing in your life – your health. If you are not achieving personal goals or not fulfilling what you feel is your potential then you have shamed yourself. Telling yourself you are being lazy is a form of shaming yourself. Ever bought a quart of ice cream for three nights of dessert then ate it one night? (I have!) Bet you shamed yourself over that the next day, maybe even that night, right. Me too! My point is in many ways you are more than likely shaming yourself in other ways to make yourself be better. Fat shaming is no different. Shame can be a gift because it means you care about being better. You know who doesn’t care about being better – psychos! Get back to working out, diet, and feeling good about yourself. I did, you can too. You just Got2ManUp!
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