Diet Myths That Could Be Causing You To Gain Weight – What To Do
Too much information! Everybody on the Web has the latest fad diet or pill to help you lose weight. But what is the honest to goodness truth about weight control? Like I always say, whatever you can stick to. This article is about diet myths that may actually be keeping you overweight. It’s one thing to feel disappointed that you’re a few pounds overweight because you’ve been a little lax with your eating or workout. However, when you are following the rules of the diet you’ve chosen but not losing weight or even worse, gaining weight, you can become upset and depressed. If you’re doing what you should be but not getting close to your goal, there’s something wrong with the program you are following. There’s a possibility that one of these myths are causing you to keep on or pack on the pounds.
Diet Myths #1 I don’t have to worry about calories if I am only eating healthy foods
Why it’s a myth – You can order something healthy like a salad and think “I’m doing great”. The problem is, toppings. Pecans, dressings full of fat, croutons, cheese. Added up, these can end up making your “healthy”salad have as many calories and fat as a double cheeseburger. Whole wheat pasta or bread sounds healthy and is better than regular or white but they still have as many calories. Avocado, almonds, cashews, olive oil could very well be on your healthy list and again are a better choice to eat but they all still have calories and fat. Be sure you are paying attention to calorie counts of all foods even if they are considered “healthy”.
Diet Myths #2: Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day to avoid hunger and boost metabolism
Why it’s a myth – there is some truth to this as studies have shown so it’s not a total myth though there are others that show the opposite. Truth be told, the calorie difference in eating mini meals is so minor it really makes no difference than sticking to a normal 3 meals a day. This is supported by Dr. John Foreyt, director of the Behavioral Medicine Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Another problem with eating more meals is running the risk of eating more calories. The best advice is to eat whatever amount of meals a day you can do to keep your calories in order. Want to boost metabolism, increase your muscle.
Diet Myths #3: Eating after 8:00pm will make you fat
Why it’s a myth – calories can’t tell time! Sure eating before you go to bed means you will not be moving around to burn them off before going to sleep. When when you get up the next day, you will begin to burn them off. With that said, you should avoid late night snacking. Especially you probably grab something unhealthy, sit in front of the TV and eat while not paying attention to how much you are eating. There is nothing wrong with a bowl of ice cream or some popcorn while watching a little tv before going to bed. Just make sure you are keeping track of exactly how many calories you are eating. look at what you’ve taken in for the day, then make your snack appropriate to the amount of calories you have left for the day. Pop your own popcorn, not the microwave bags full of chemicals and much too large of portions.
What do you think of these diet myths? Comment below, please!
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