Black Tea The Other Good For You Drink With Lots Of Options
Everyone knows tea is a healthy drink. Most of the talk on tea is about the healthy benefits of Green Tea. But there are several teas out there like white tea but did you know that you can get the same benefits by drinking Black Tea?
Green tea and Black tea actually come from the same plant as do and white tea. What makes these teas different from one another is simply how it they are processed.
When you drink Black Tea on a regular basis, it assists in giving you healthy arteries and the antioxidant falconoid not only gives the tea flavor but may help prevent cancer, lower cholesterol levels, give you fresher breath, stronger bones and even stronger teeth.
This is also a drink with caffeine. While most people prefer to get their caffeine from coffee in the morning, I am guessing most do not realize that a cup of Black Tea only contains 30 to 40 mg. of caffeine while coffee contains about 135 mg. While caffeine has shown to assist in weight loss, you have to ask yourself how much caffeine do you need in the morning?
Tea is calorie free but the taste is certainly not to everyone’s liking. Much like coffee, many people like to flavor up their drinks. This is where you need to use caution to not turn your healthy resource into just another bad for you drink by adding too much sweeter or milk to make the taste satisfying. Really Black Tea, even coffee for that matter, do not taste the=at bad. We have come so accustomed to sweeter drinks we tend to forget that not everything healthy has to be sweet. If you start drinking your Black Tea or coffee tomorrow with no additives, in a week you wouldn’t even notice the difference. Think I’m kidding? Give it a try, then leave me your results below in the comment section. If you have to add something, try using only fresh squeezed lemon or organic honey to add flavor.
Black Tea is not for only first thing i the morning. You can have it with your morning or afternoon snack. Since it contains caffeine, don’t drink Black Tea late in the day or evenings as it may affect your sleep. The caffeine can assist you with eating a lighter snack which is great for those trying to lose weight.
There are several different recipes that can be found on the web for using Black Tea in adult beverages and holiday drinks. Try some different recipes to find one you like then replace some of the ingredients with healthier choices so the Black Tea you are drinking is good for you. Drinking Black Tea in some form is healthier for you than not drinking it at all, for your guests too!
What is you favorite Tea? Please comment below.
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