Use These Tips To Avoid Being A Gym Slob
You’ve joined a gym and are fired up to start working out. One problem you more than likely haven’t thought of is how to avoid being a gym slob. Gym’s don’t give out a handbook on proper gym etiquette. Their biggest concern, understandably, is getting members to pay the bills which. Once you are out on the floor working out, you are on your own. Here’s a list of things people do at the gym I find really annoying. Follow these and you will avoid being a gym slob!
Put Your Weights Back
Hard to believe this needs to be said but mommy doesn’t clean up for you anymore. Especially at the gym. Be an adult, be sure to leave the barbell
weight free when you finish. Don’t take the weights off and throw them on the floor. Take the extra 3 seconds to properly store them. Not only is it annoying when you have to remove someone else’s weights, your also losing time you could be lifting. Plus you throw other people’s workout off because most people will see weights on the bar and assume it’s still being used. Same goes for dumbbells. Make sure you re-rack them when you are finished. Leaving dumbbells or plates laying around can be dangerous if someone trips over them. If you notice someone leaving weights on a barbell or dumbbells on the floor, don’t take matters into your own hand. Report them to a trainer or front desk person. They will talk to the member and you can continue your workout with no added stress.
Never Leave A Sweat mark On A Bench
Go to your local Target or Walmart to buy four or five workout towels. They only cost a few buck each. While a lot of gyms require a workout towel now (they all should) plan in advance and just take one. It’s flat out gross to have to lay in someone else’s sweat. Be sure to wipe down your bench before moving on to the next exercise.
Focus On Your Workout
Another way to avoid being a gym slob is to not worry about what other people are doing, you should have plenty to do. No one likes being told what to do, especially from a know-it-all stranger. even if you see someone doing an exercise completely wrong, keep your opinions to yourself.
When The Gym Is Busy, Follow Cardio Machine Time Limits
Gyms tend to be really busy in the early evening. As much as you may want to get in a full 60 minutes on a treadmill or spin machine, don’t. All gyms have time limits for when people are waiting, normally in the 20-30 minute range. Besides, you don’t need to do an hour of cardio anymore, read here.
Don’t Exercise In Other Peoples Way
Don’t walk up to a dumbbell rack, grab your weights, take a step back and start doing curls. You will be in a high traffic area and probably in the way of people wanting to get their weights to workout. Scope out an out of the way area before grabbing your dumbbells or bar. And remember to return your weights when you finish!
Don’t Talk On Your Phone
This should apply to anywhere in public. In case you are not aware – no one wants to hear or cares about your conversation. Besides, gym time is your time to focus on getting in a good sweat and stress your muscles. If you’re in sales and have to take a call, be aware of how loud you are talking. If it’s a crowded area, walk around until you find somewhere quite to talk that won’t be bothering people.
Stay Home When your Not Feeling Well
Gyms are personal places. People are grabbing barbells, dumbbells, laying on mats that complete strangers have just used. If you are sneezing or coughing, stay home. It’s easy to spread germs and pass your illness on to another lifter. If you have a sore throat or runny nose, go work out.
Don’t Hover Over An Occupied Machine
There are times I want to use a workout station that’s being occupied. Instead of standing there staring at the person, I go find a different machine. Even if you have to work another body part, so what? You can ask someone to work in but trust me, when either of the above happen to you you’ll appreciate my advice.
Following the above rules will assure avoid being a gym slob.
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